Welcome to Share it!

This is a site primarily to provide reviews, re-caps, and links to resources on my favorite shows and some interesting films. Links and information for specific shows are on the right sidebar. Find films in the Blog Archive. These sections will expand as I add more shows. Feel free to explore and let me know what you think!

Also, please let me know if any of the links are broken or not working!!
If you would like to request a film, please do so in the comments and I will try to get it for you. Thanks again!

Hola Amigos, este sitio web esta escrita en su mayoria en Ingles, pero incluso se ha agregado contenido y enlaces en Espanol y en otros idiomas. Por favor incluyan en sus comentarios tips sobre como puede mejorar este sitio. Gracias!

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Tierra de Lobos [Update]

Hello all,

I have created a page with Tierra de Lobos information and links. You can find it under 'shows.' I have included options to view the full episodes in HIGH resolution with English subtitles. 
I have also included noted pages that also offer info and resources on the series. Check them out for download links and more! Also check the left side bar for easily accessible and featured links on the series. 

I have also added a new clip for the Isabela storyline from the first season. 

My Tdl page is meant to be a place to access the episodes with English subs embedded, to be streamed if the viewer chooses to.

I have uploaded episodes 4 and 5 of the second season thus far. Progress is a bit slow as I have to work on the subtitles. Some have been provided by the excellent translation team of the Crisabel subtitle project.
Others I am working on myself. 

Other episodes will be uploaded in the next couple of days. I cannot promise to upload them in order. :/ Sorry about that. But hopefully they will all be up sooner than later. So thanks for your patience!

1 comment:

  1. Is Tierra de Lobos ever going to come back to us? And thanks for the English sub. I would have never watched this if they were not there. I don't understand Spanish :-(. Thank you!
