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Thursday, April 26, 2012

XXY [Film]

Director: Lucía Puenzo
Cast:  Ricardo Darín, Valeria Bertuccelli and Germán Palacios
Genre: Drama
Country: Argentina | Spain | France
Language: Spanish (English Subtitles)
Runtime: 86 mins

Synopsis: Alex is a teenager that has grown up with a female identity. She suffers from a syndrome commonly known as XXY Syndrome. She goes through a daily treatment to suppress male characteristics, such as facial hair, and allow her breasts to develop as they would in a female. SHe has grown up in an isolated cabin in the Uruguayan countryside near the border with Argentina, a step her parents took in order to allow her the freedom to choose her sex and gender once she reached puberty. 

Alex es una adolescente intersexual que creció viviendo como mujer, usando medicinas que suprimían sus rasgos masculinos y evitaban la reducción del tamaño de sus pechos. Poco tiempo después de nacer, Kraken  y Suli, sus padres, decidieron dejar Buenos Aires e instalarse en una cabaña aislada del mundo, situada a orillas de la costa Uruguaya para que creciera sin los prejuicios del entorno, protegida y feliz. Y de este modo al alcanzar la pubertad pudieran elegir juntos el camino a seguir.

Watch it Here. Trailer below. [English subs]

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